Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Paper-to-BIM REVIT

CLOUD STUDIO offshore outsourcing services include Paper-to-BIM REVIT Conversion that delivers quality output. We translate blueprints, sketches, rough drawings or manually corrected drawings into professionally edited, digitized files.
Our process allows you to off-load the time consuming process of converting scanned, sketched, or non-digital drawings to digital BIM REVIT files. All converted files are manually drafted by our team of architects and engineers to ensure accuracy.
Our digitizing and image-to-BIM REVIT file conversion encodes non-digital formats such as paper drawings and designs. Services include:
  • 2D to 3D conversion
  • Image to BIM REVIT
  • Paper to 3D BIM REVIT
  • Raster/Bitmap to BIM REVIT
  • BIM REVIT updates
  • Vizualization